In April, Willis Reid was among the group gathered for breakfast around George and Jane Barnes’ table. On the table were stacks of golden pancakes made by George from scratch, of course, risen overnight and fresh from the griddle. George and a friend tapped the trees and distilled the maple syrup, too. The cheeses for this year’s Catskill gathering were working away on the counter. George, I believe, can make anything...
While steaming is a time honored method for softening wood in furniture and boat building, it is seldom used by rod makers. One of the primary reasons for this is that the conventional method of steaming were you put the part in a steam box and heat the whole thing is not really suited to our needs. What is needed is a way to isolate...
In 1987, two fly fishermen, and coincidentally bamboo rodmakers, independently traveled to Corbett Lake, British Columbia. They probably had heard of the very large Kamloops trout that Peter McVey, owner/innkeeper of Corbett Lake Country Inn had stocked in his lake.
The stars must have been aligned for the bamboo rodmaking community, as that fortuitous meeting of John Bokstrom...
Today we have a rich variety of fly box types made from numerous materials. Why would anyone want (or feel a need) to take the time and trouble to make one? Good question! In my case, I made one because I could not find one the size, shape, and configuration I desired: I wanted a small box to keep seasonal dry flies....
The discussion, measurement, modelling, calculating and analysis of different tapers for split cane rods is one of the most frequent topics in rodmaking books, journals, rodmakers meetings, on Internet discussion boards and posting lists etc. We makers all certainly have some insight on this topic. There are even scientific, mathematical approaches to the taper modeling and analysis using computer programs like Hexrod, stress/modulus curves, etc. These computer programs give us the possibility to modify an existing rod....
Having used the new JW CNC Finish Mill and the previous JW Finish Mill, I can take the evolutionary view of a natural advancement of Bamboo Rodmaking Technology. I have worked with Jerry Walls as he improved the previous router-based finish mill through a series of upgrades to increase performance. I have been through the search for a suitable router bit to use in a router-based mill and have the resultant box of custom router bits. Some bits were good and some questionable, but all were not suitable for the task at hand. I have....
I like using cork reel seat inserts on rods with slide band seats because they’re lightweight and they lend a simple elegance to the finished rod. Since I like using cork inserts so much I designed a very simple jig that allows me to make them very quickly, easily and consistently.
The jig consists of an aluminum tube with a cutout that forms the reel seat mortise and two bushings. To use the jig....
When I first started to write this article I was going to write about Carrie Stevens and her classic streamer flies. I got sidetracked along the way and I will write about her and her flies in the next article.
As many already know Carl Richards passed away on Memorial Day....
After writing an article two issues back on making an arbor for the power beveler milling cutters, I received several requests to do an article on the beveler.
I prefer to do all of my planing by hand and still do most of my rough beveling with a plane. There are times I have to fall back....